Safeguarding adults and children
You can access the EMD UK’s safeguarding polices here. You will find useful resources, training and information for parents and guardians. There is also a link to our young people’s portal.
classfinder.org.uk is a website owned and operated by EMD UK, the national governing body for group exercise. EMD UK wants everyone to have a positive, safe and enjoyable experience when taking part in any group exercise activities.
We also strive to ensure that all staff, teachers, instructors and volunteers know what is expected of them and that best practice is central to all activities.

Safeguarding children
EMD UK prioritises the welfare of all children and young people participating in group exercise. We ensure that group exercise activities are delivered in a safe and protective manner.
Safeguarding in group exercise must have three key elements:
1. The creation of a culture/environment in which children are valued and their right to be safe is upheld
2. The management of risk to minimise circumstances where children involved in activities may suffer harm
3. Working with other organisations that have a responsibility to safeguard and protect children.

Safeguarding adults
EMD UK has developed an Adult Safeguarding Policy. This outlines the processes and procedures to follow and who they can contact for help if they have any safeguarding concerns. You can download the policy here.
EMD UK is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment for all adults. Above all, we accept our specific responsibility to have procedures in place to protect adults at risk of harm or abuse.
Experts in adult safeguarding, the Ann Craft Trust assisted EMD UK in the development of the policy and procedures. In addition, we also ran an educational webinar for group exercise instructors and organisations.
Contact our Safeguarding Officer today
If you have a concern about an individual at risk, please contact an EMD UK Safeguarding Officer on 01403 266000 or email safeguarding@emduk.org. You can also contact your local authority or the police if you have urgent concerns and a list of contacts are provided here.