You may have spent lockdown exercising at home, taking advantage of the plethora of online fitness classes, or have switched to a new form of fitness like cycling, running, or walking to stay active but are you craving your usual group exercise class? We feel the same! Find out what to expect when you get back.
Travel to and from my class
Participants should follow UK Government guidance on travel. You can use public transport but it is better to travel in other ways if possible such as driving (only with members of your own household), walking or cycling.
When I get to my class
There will be some new procedures that have been put into practice to keep you safe. You may find that you enter your class via one door and leave via a different exit. This is to make sure that there is not congestion in small areas and helps cut unnecessary contact between classes.
Like many public places, handwashing/hand sanitiser stations will be important. You will be encouraged to use these before and after your workout. You will also need to bring your mask to wear moving around inside the building but you won’t need to wear it to take part in your class.
Instructors may ask you to book your class in advance. Where this is the case, you are likely to be asked to transfer the class payment fee online to reduce the exchange of cash. Contactless payments may also be taken at the venue as another alternative to cash.
The other reason you may be asked to book is so the instructor can maintain a record of participants as part of the NHS Test and Trace programme. This means that in the event that one of your class test positive for COVID-19, you will be alerted and can take the necessary precautions.
Social dis-dancing
Social distancing will be in place during your class, with a minimum of 2 metres between each participant. Your instructor will be making sure that this space is measured so you can do enjoy the class safely. You will however be asked to maintain social distancing before and after class to minimise the risk of spreading COVID-19.
What should I do if I feel worried about returning to class?
It is natural to feel anxious about what your class may be like, but instructors want to you feel confident to be back in their class. If you have any concerns about returning to your group exercise class, you can contact your instructor for more information. Instructors will be best placed to advise you on ways they are mitigating risks. All you have to do is enjoy your usual group exercise class without worrying about the transmission of COVID-19.